Monday, December 28, 2015

Funds Granted To The Arc of Delaware County Have Great Personal Impacts

The Arc of Delaware County was delighted to receive two grants from NYSARC’s Trust Remainder Funds for the purpose of supporting guardianship services and to provide recreation opportunities for individuals with disabilities.  The grants totaled $15,000.

With the Recreation funds, individuals were able to pursue a vast array of person centered recreational activities.  Roberta Butler was overjoyed when she learned funds were available to her.  She had long dreamed of attending a Christian concert and dining at seafood restaurant.  Together Roberta and her Life Coach, Janet, planned a very special evening, including attending a Matthew West Concert and dinner at Red Lobster.  Janet shared that in the days leading up to her special night, Roberta would inquire ‘how many more days until I go’ and together Roberta and Janet would review the calendar and continue to count down the days.  When the day she had been looking forward to had finally arrived, Roberta exclaimed “Today is the concert!”  They were escorted to their seats, two rows from stage.  Roberta stood all throughout the concert, singing, dancing and clapping along.  After the concert Roberta proclaimed “that was the best time ever!”

The funds received for guardianship services will assist with ongoing expenses of operating the Guardianship program and for life enhancing activities for people receiving guardianship services.  As the Guardianship Committee often fills the void of family, guardianship funds are often used to provide for birthdays, holidays, vacations and special events.  The Arc of Delaware County’s Guardianship Committee, comprised of dedicated members from the community, currently provides guardianship services to two people for whom NYSARC, Inc. serves as Legal Guardian.   The committee ensures all decisions made are in the best interest of the individual and are in harmony with the individual’s personal values and preferences, just as a concerned family member would do. 

A total of $1,874,000 in remainder grants were awarded in 2015 to support recreation and guardianship to NYSARC Chapters statewide.  NYSARC Trust Services administers supplemental needs trusts that enable people with disabilities to remain in their home and community while retaining Medicaid services and other government benefits.  Information is available on how NYSARC Trust Services may benefit you at  To learn more about Services available through The Arc of Delaware County, click on the services link at or call (607)865-7126. 
Roberta Butler enjoying a meal before the Matthew West concert.

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