Several individuals jumped at the
opportunity to participate in a photography class taught by professional photographer
and community partner, Joe Damone. Joe is a graduate of New York Institute of
Photography who hails from NYC and is also a resident of Andes, NY. He shared his
love of the art of photography with others by providing 2 sessions of 6 workshops
each at The Arc of Delaware County.
Photo “rookies” as well as more
experienced photographers whom have exhibited works in local galleries and
other venues gained knowledge about the art of photography during the
workshops. They learned the basics
of digital photography, including picture composition, lighting, cropping,
taking portrait photos, and many other techniques. The class visited several
locations to experience taking photos in natural settings such as a farm and a
covered bridge in Hamden, NY.
The photography program is so successful that a third
workshop program is scheduled to begin on January 6th. With the colder weather,
this class will be having indoor opportunities for photo shoots including a
church in Delhi, the Delaware County Historical Association and the Heart of
the Catskills Humane Society.
Photography can provide a lifelong conduit for creative
expression and offers personal satisfaction and appreciation for the beauty
that surrounds us. Bring some sunshine into your winter day by viewing photos taken during the summer/fall session
of the photography class: Gems from Photography Class
George Suess, CEO from The Arc of Delaware County, continues
to captivate audiences across the nation, including those at a recent conference
hosted by The Arc of California.
“It has been a life-changing experience and process!”
enthusiastically shared Lori Ramirez, CEO of The Arc of Fresno and Madera
Counties, CA, when speaking of the training they have received from The Arc of
Delaware County, NY. This training,
known as Shift Happens, has helped
organizations across the nation shift from traditional reactive approaches to
positive, proactive approaches in supporting people with disabilities, and
guided them in making comprehensive, culture strengthening improvements.
With proven success in increasing the positives, such things
as learning and growth, self-esteem, and productivity, and reducing the negatives, such as incidents of
abuse, neglect, assaults, and violence, The
Arc of Delaware County, NY, was engaged by The Arc of California to bring the
Shift Happens training to organizations throughout the Sacramento, Los Angeles,
and Oakland areas. “We’ve taken our
message how through caring and positivity you can improve productivity and
performance to staffs as diverse as Alaska, Georgia, California, and of course
New York among others, and have found our message resonates whether the setting
is urban or rural, institutional or community based.” reflects George Suess,
CEO of The Arc of Delaware County.
Embraced with firsthand knowledge gained from their roles
and experiences at The Arc of Delaware County, Life Coaches Heidi Friedman,
Valarie Stafford, and Katie Backus, together with George Suess, traveled to
California to teach Boards of Directors, leaders, and direct support staff
about this positive, proactive approach they use every day.
The first day, the training they provided began with a focus
on the importance of caring, and how even people who have devoted their entire
careers to caring for others can take caring to an even deeper level by
following the principles in the person-centered, positive, and proactive Shift
Happens approach. The second day walked
people through building such an approach through specific HR practices, beginning
with hiring the right people and then providing them with proper training,
coaching, and ongoing support. “It seems
that everywhere we go, organizations are experiencing budget cuts or
underfunding. Simply telling people to
do more with less doesn’t work. They
feel they have been doing more with less for years and there is no more room
for their budget to accommodate cuts.
Part of the solution, we believe, is by increasing individual and team
productivity through proactive strategies to improve accountability,
cooperation, and teamwork. We show organizations
how to do this, and with a smile.” shared George Suess.
To learn more about The Arc of Delaware County’s unique
approach, go to, or call
607-865-7126 and arrange for a consultation or visit.
The Arc of Delaware County learned that they would be receiving a $6,000 grant from
the Trustees of the NYSARC Trusts to support recreational opportunities for
people they provide services and supports to, excitement filled the air. Receiving this money has facilitated the
granting of wishes for several people supported by The Arc who may otherwise
not have had these opportunities.
such person is Kelly Piskacek. She is an effervescent woman who has only
dreamed of traveling from her small, country hometown to the glowing city of
New York, where everything sparkles and the stars shine not only in the sky but
on the stage. This grant made Kelly’s
wish come true. She recently hopped on a
bus, with her support staff, Life Coach Heidi Friedman, and was on her way to
the big city. Though the experiences
were all very new to her, she navigated her way around like a superstar. She spent
hours just walking around taking in the scenery and was in awe of all the tall
buildings, she was pampered at a beauty salon, and of course did some Christmas
shopping. But perhaps her favorite part
of the trip was to Radio City Music Hall. When the Rockettes started dancing
Kelly was literally on the edge of her seat.
“I remember when the Santas started to appear 1 by 1 and Kelly was
staring at the stage saying ‘Heidi look, Heidi look’--but she couldn’t take her
eyes off of them. When the nativity set was performing a low but clear ‘WOW’
was heard. She was transformed into another world.” recalled Heidi. At the end of the day Kelly returned to the
hotel exhilarated, exhausted, and ready to do it all over again.
NYSARC Trusts administer supplemental needs trusts that enable people who have
disabilities to remain in their home and community and retain their Medicaid
eligible services. The Trustees utilize remainder funds to benefit other
persons with disabilities including unfunded Chapter guardianship programs as
provided by statute. In addition to the
Recreation Grant, the Trustees awarded $1,225,500 to support Chapter
Guardianship programs. Information on how you may benefit from a NYSARC Trust
is available by calling 518-439-8323 or 1-800-735-8924 or by emailing To learn
more about The Arc of Delaware County, visit; to see more photos from Kelly’s NYC trip, click on the Flickr
link on the homepage.

Eddie Tuduri, Founder/Director of The Rhythmic Arts Project
(TRAP) visited The Arc of Delaware County at four locations this week. Eddie
has been working with The Arc for over 9 years integrating the methods and
techniques that he developed into The TRAP program and applying it in different
ways to aid people in learning. Eddie explained, “The essence of The TRAP
program is that it is fun. And it teaches people how to listen, follow
directions, communicate, share, and many other social skills. It draws people into the realm of learning.”
He clarified that “TRAP is NOT a program on how to play the drums but rather a
tool.” People learn with more of their senses in the TRAP program, because the
drums and other rhythmic instruments provide a tactile, auditory piece to aid
in remembering things. They learn many
skills such as sequencing, colors, math, coordination, social and communication
skills as a result of the class. And the TRAP methodology can be used in a
variety of learning situations. For
example, on Thursday, Henry Kamp received a lesson in timing from Eddie to hone
his joke telling skills. To tell a joke
well, timing is everything! Henry also
learned about voice inflection and introducing emotion into stories and jokes. Henry
and Chee Chee the Clown provide entertainment at several venues in Delaware
County and Henry utilized the TRAP program while preparing for a December event at the Office of the Aging.
When asked what
changes he had seen over the years spent with The Arc of Delaware County, Eddie
shared that he didn’t see many pure TRAP classes being taught this week. However
what he did observe was a variety of ways that segments of the TRAP program
were being integrated into individualized learning.
The joy and excitement that Eddie brings with each visit to
The Arc of Delaware county was evident by the hugs, smiles, and warm greetings he received
from those who have had the pleasure of being in his class before.
“Betsy is always looking for a better way to do things. She
is interested in program activities, looks to protect and preserve building and
equipment and is constantly vigilant about safety. She has been a wonderful
resource and “additional pair of helping hands” at our Parent Support
Meetings.” states Barb Thompson, Community Relations Assistant.
Examples of how Betsy personifies the six unifying
principles of the Arc of Delaware County include:
Those We Serve Come
First-Betsy kept the staff apprised of conditions that could affect the
safety of those we serve including everything from icy parking lots to county
fire training events where large vehicles commute through the parking lot.
Commit to Excellence-
Betsy always looked to preserve and protect agency facilities and equipment
while allowing planned program activities to run smoothly. For example, when a classroom was to be used
for evening child care, she would carefully wrap and secure computers and
equipment to avoid potential damage.
Be Dedicated- She
demonstrated her interest in program activities with comments, ideas, and
suggestions. She looked for the safe
arrival and departure of the parents and children attending the Parent Support
Group meetings. When the front building entrance was undergoing renovations she
kept watch for new arrivals, guiding them to an alternative entrance while
staff was occupied with the evening program.
Satisfaction- Betsy always looked for ways to assist staff. Whether with
set up or clean up after meetings, Betsy always asked what she could do to
help. Many times she volunteered to put away equipment and clean up
refreshments so staff could leave for home when programs ran later than
Effectively- Betsy always checked scheduled building use and advised
Community Relations of potential conflicts. This mitigated potential problems
on several occasions.
Be Innovative-
Betsy always found ways to make Parent Support Group activities successful. For
example, when she learned that there would be crafts involving painting, she
proactively slid plastic bags over tables to protect them and make clean up
easier. For a Halloween Donut game she obtained plastic sheeting to tape under
the donuts to ensure safety and cleanliness during the game.
Congratulations Betsy on your Blesher award!
Much was
accomplished over the course of 7 weeks when Russ Neale, a community partner
who has extensive skills in carpentry, led a comprehensive workshop this summer
and fall. Four students learned woodworking
“A-Z”, from the various types of wood, their properties and uses, to safety and
operation of equipment and tools.
Each student designed and completed an
individual project of their choosing. They also worked as a team to create a
project together. October 25th was a
special day when they delivered their team project, an Adirondack chair and
table, to be enjoyed by people at Main Street Residence in Delhi, NY.
displaying their craftsmanship are 2 of the students: Tracey Rossi (seated)
and Will Vovchik standing behind Tracy. Also pictured (left to right) are staff
from The Arc of Delaware County Mike Sikorski, Annette Plath, James Callender,
and Russ Neale, Carpentry Instructor.
Not pictured, are two individuals from Community Living Skills-Walton
that participated in the class.
Pictured showing his individual project is Will Vovchik with a
cherry picture frame he made that enhances a drawing made by a friend.
In this month of bountiful harvests
which also encompasses Community Service Day on October 5th, The Arc of
Delaware County recently reached out and supported local communities in a
variety of ways.
Pictured in the photo from left to right are: Pat McDonald
and Judy Ford from the Delhi Senior Community Apts., Tina Osadca, Gabrielle Rosario, SUNY Liberal Arts student, Adonis Smalls, SUNY Carpentry student and Matt Wilson.
For SUNY Delhi’s Community Service
Day, people at The Arc of Delaware County’s Main Street Residence teamed
with students from SUNY Delhi and enjoyed baking cookies together for delivery
to residents at the Delhi Senior Community Apartments.
In a note to The Arc of Delaware County the seniors wrote: “Thank you so very
much for the platter of homemade cookies. We really appreciate your
thoughtfulness and kindness.”
Pictured in the photograph are
Carol Norwick, Secretary to the Principal and Thomas Ferrante who helped in the
baking and delivery of the cookies.
On October 8th Margaretville
Central School hosted a Senior Citizen Dinner Dance in recognition of LiLY
(Lifeforce in Late Years), a nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of
senior citizens. Again, using their baking skills, a group of self advocates
from The Arc of Delaware County supported the dance by providing delicious
desserts for the enjoyment of over 60 seniors who attended.
And ending the month with a “ BANG”
or should we say a “BOO!”, Community Living Skills in Walton hosted another
popular Halloween Hoopla on Saturday October 26th where over 60 local children
and their families enjoyed, crafts, games, a costume exchange, a “not-so-spooky”
Halloween Maze and refreshments.
Reaching out, giving back, and
fully participating in our communities- that are what being part of a community
is all about!
Angie pictured on the left of Blesher surrounded by the staff at CLS-W who nominated her
“During a time when CLS-W was growing and in need of
additional staff, Angie stepped in, set up here and jumped in whenever needed”
stated the CLS-W Staff in their nomination.
Angie Edwards is a Person Centered Planner located in The
Arc of Delaware County’s Hamden office. She helps individuals with disabilities
to plan their life and supports that enable them to live personally fulfilling
lives. However, when CLS-W experienced a large increase in caseload, staff
stated that Angie was a real team player- when help was needed; she rearranged
her work schedule and jumped in to assist.
While at CLS-W she asked what she could do to assist one on
one with an individual new to the CLS-W program. She followed up on feeding
guidelines before assisting individuals and offered many helpful suggestions at
staff meetings. CLS-W Staff was very appreciative of her efforts and her
passion to be helpful. They wanted to express their appreciation by nominating
her for a Blesher Award which was presented on Oct. 7th at the CLS-W facility.
Through her actions Angie exemplifies each of the 6 Unifying
Principals of The Arc of Delaware County: Those
We Serve Come First, Commit to Excellence, Be Dedicated, Employee Satisfaction,
Communicate Effectively and Be Innovative.
Congratulations Angie!

The journey of a lifetime has begun for Justin Kirby. Justin has always enjoyed writing, acting,
and theater. He shared, “I’m a big movie buff. I’ve been in plays before and I
just love acting.” But he wanted to further his knowledge and hone his skills,
so he started to look into colleges that offered theater classes. However before
applying to college, Justin first needed to obtain a General Education Diploma
(GED). This fact did not deter him and this year Justin attended a weekly class
from January to July. However the process of obtaining a GED requires strong
self motivation and determination to complete self studies using books and
preparatory tests in Math, Social Sciences, Reading, and Writing. When asked
what kept him motivated, Justin pointed to his parents and Valarie Stafford,
Life Coach at The Arc of Delaware County who knew that he wanted to do this for
years. The first step is always the hardest, but “Jeanne Ntibalkure (Service
Coordinator) made the phone call with me to get me enrolled in classes”. Val shared that Justin “showed a commitment
and desire to work through it (the courses).” And on September 12th, Justin was
thrilled to find out that he passed the test and earned his GED. He was
especially proud that he passed the test on his first try and he and his family
celebrated with a special dinner that night.
When asked what he would say to others considering obtaining
a GED degree he said, “If you have a dream to get your GED, go for it. Don’t
let anybody else tell you that you can’t.”
Justin looks forward to enrolling in a college theater program and in
the meantime continues to write. “I’ve been working on writing my own movies.”
The most recent movie script he is working on involves a romantic comedy set in
New York City. He shared, “I hope sooner
or later one of my screenplays gets picked and turned into an actual movie.”
Wendy was nominated for a Blesher Award for her timely and
persistent efforts that culminated in making a dream come true for one of the
gentlemen that she supports. Wendy knew
that he was a big fan of the Walton Football Team and always wanted to be a
part of it. Through her efforts he is
now part of the team and has formed warm friendships with the players. Pam
Moody wrote in her nomination, “Wendy facilitated a “dream come true” for this
man to become a part of the Walton Football team. He has a title of “Sideline
Assistant”, appointed by the players and coaching staff. He is supporting the
players at all home games and is standing with them on the sideline.”
Wendy’s actions and
resulting accomplishments exemplify the 6 Unifying Principles of The Arc of
Delaware County:
Those We Serve Come
First- Wendy followed up with this man’s dream of being a part of the
Walton Football Team.
Commit To Excellence-
Wendy started early and assured she made contact with Coach Hoover weekly.
Be Dedicated-
Wendy arranged her schedule to accommodate the individual to attend football
practice and the other volunteer activities.
Satisfaction- Wendy expresses her delight in the warm friendships he has
built with the team.
Communicate Effectively-
Wendy has communicated with Jessie and Bruce Baldi to assure his participation
at home games.
Be Innovative-
Wendy researched during the summer months what she needed to do to make this
dream come true.
Congratulations Wendy!
Always generous with their time and talent, CLS-Walton had
many staff members assisting at other facilities and in other programs while at
the same time experiencing a 37% increase in caseload. Their efforts didn’t go
unnoticed. Steve Finkel, Community Programmer with The Arc of Delaware
County nominated the entire staff at the Community Living Skills facility in Walton,
NY for a Blesher Award. Steve wrote,
“Despite enormous challenges… the (CLS-W) team never missed a beat- “caring
without restraint in spades!”.
It is rare that an entire staff at a facility is nominated
for a Blesher Award. However this team has “dug deep” and pulled together to
meet these significant challenges. With the dedication and teamwork of every
person at CLS-W, the Day Service program continued to operate smoothly and was
able to maintain the high level of service that they provide under normal
Key points noted in the nomination of how the people at
CLS-W demonstrated the Unifying Principals of The Arc of Delaware County
Those We Serve Come
First-“Their human resources focused on our mission despite the
Commit To Excellence-
“Blending more people from Broome and CLS-Arkville and being positive and
Be Dedicated- “Ensuring
that the focus is on supporting their participants at all times- and making
great strides on meeting Valued Outcomes!”
Satisfaction-“ The pride in a job well done under very trying times – with
still much to be done.”
Effectively-“With all the pressures, programs have happened as planned,
annual meetings held, and communications flow as needed.”
Be Innovative-
“Reaching out to others to help as needed so the level of service is maintained
at a very high level.”
Congratulations to everyone at Community Living
Skills-Walton. You are the ultimate example of how mighty many can be when they
act as one.
Recognizing Workers Who Support
People with Disabilities
In honor of National Direct Support Recognition Week, The
Arc of Delaware County, a not for profit organization which supports Delaware
County’s children and adults with disabilities to live personally fulfilling
lives, joins organizations from around the nation in celebrating its direct
support workforce.
National Direct Support Professional (DSP) Recognition Week
is celebrated annually across the country to honor the tens of thousands of
workers who enable people with intellectual, developmental and other
significant disabilities and their families to live healthy community-oriented
The Arc of Delaware County has grown exponentially since it
was founded in 1967; supporting nearly 400 individuals with disabilities and
employing over 200 staff, the majority of which are direct support
professionals, making it one of Delaware County’s largest employers.
Governor Andrew Cuomo joins governors from across the nation
in signing a Gubernatorial Proclamation designating this week as Direct Support
Professional’s Recognition Week. This is
the sixth consecutive year the U.S. Senate has approved such a resolution.
“Direct support professionals work tirelessly every day of the
year administering skilled and compassionate care to seniors and individuals
with disabilities,” Senator Collins (ME) said. “I commend the important
work carried out by direct support professionals that allows these individuals
to stay connected with their community and their families, and I am pleased to
have supported a resolution honoring all that these professionals do to help
those in their care live meaningful and productive lives.”
Heidi Friedman, Life Coach (aka Direct Support Professional)
at The Arc of Delaware County shared “The people I support are exactly like
everybody else, in the sense that we are all different. Being a DSP has made
such a difference in my life; it can make a difference in your life also.”
To learn more about Direct Support Professionals view this video: Direct Support Professionals-Helping Individuals with Disabilities Live Personally Fulfilling Lives
Students are
returning to SUNY Delhi this week. Along with enjoying a fresh start to the
academic year they can enjoy the freshly painted buildings which make the
campus a welcoming sight. The Arc and
students from SUNY Delhi teamed together over the summer to paint several
college venues including SUNY's Auto Lab and Russell Hall (a student
dormitory). Steve Morganstern from SUNY Delhi Maintenance Operations shared: “Your team did a fine job and I would be happy
to have them back again!"
Pictured Left to Right: Steve Morganstern and Bob Nicholson from SUNY Dehli Maintenance Operations, Karl Williams, Jason Peck, Matt Anderson, Community Volunteer and Rachel Closs. |
The Arc of Delaware County recently entered 4 videos in NYSARC's "The Choice Awards" which recognizes excellence by our Chapters through their promotional videos and commercials. The goal of the contest is to recognize outstanding effort and quality by NYSARC's Chapters in furthering the public's awareness and understanding of individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and programs, supports, and services available through NYSARC, Inc. Enjoy viewing the many excellent videos and vote for your favorite!
To view and vote on the on the Best Commercial Video: Commercial Videos
To view and vote on the -Best Promotional Video: Promotional Videos
To learn more about the contest: The Choice Awards contest
Each person can vote for their favorite video once in each on the 2 categories: Commercial and Promotional videos.
The Arc of Delaware County supports nearly 400 local
children and adults who have intellectual and other developmental
disabilities. But many people may be surprised
at the many other facets of The Arc of Delaware County including its level of
local community impact, community partnerships, and the national recognition of
both staff and programs. Read the
attached brochure or check our stories on our News blog for a more in depth
view of what The Arc of Delaware County is all about. Then consider becoming a member, donor, or
A sampling of stories includes:
Local Community Impact:
“The Joy of Living Makes Life Worth Living – Celebrating President’s
Project Week”
Nationally recognized workforce:
“Mutually Rewarding- SUNY Delhi
Students Connect with Delarc”
Brenda Scott loved to cook and aspired to obtain a position
as a cook in a restaurant. She decided to pursue this dream and jumped at the
opportunity to enroll in SUNY Delhi’s Basic Food Preparation Lab course during
the 2013 spring semester. SUNY Delhi and
The Arc of Delaware County have teamed together for several years to provide
inclusive learning experiences for people with disabilities. This connection has opened worlds of
opportunity and fulfillment for not only people with disabilities but for the SUNY
students in the inclusive classes as well.
“Bain-Marie”, and “Veloute” are not part of a foreign language but some of the
numerous vocabulary words that students must master in the Basic Food
Preparation course. The class objectives
included training in basic preparation of food groups, proper use and care of
food service equipment, recognizing and identifying product standards, and food
safety and sanitation standards of professional cooking. Over the course of 15
weeks, students learned the proper preparation of sauces, soups, salads, meats,
vegetables, fish, eggs, pasta/rice, and sandwiches. They also learned how to
organize and prepare food within allotted timeframes as well as concession
stand set up, shopping, pricing food, and basic equipment operation. Their
overall grade was based 60% on performance and 40% on tests and exams.
Brenda passed with flying colors and immediately put her new
skills and techniques to use when she planned and prepared a dinner for The Arc
of Delaware County’s Board of Directors on May 23rd. Brenda loves to share her favorite recipes
with others as well and she regularly prepares selected dishes when she works
in cafeteria at The Arc’s Hamden location. Pam Walker who manages the cafeteria
said, “We have been reaping the benefits of Brenda’s cooking skills. Everyone
really enjoys Brenda’s specialty dishes and she loves to plan and prepare them.
She is a pleasure to work with!”
Brenda plans to continue her education by taking the next
Food Preparation course offered at SUNY Delhi in August.
Tasty Dishes Cooked Up in Class |
To learn more about The Arc of Delaware County and discover
more inspiring stories visit
Thirteen Delaware
County High School graduates from each school district were awarded
scholarships from The Arc of Delaware County. These students were selected by
their schools and plan to continue their education in a field of study that
will benefit people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Not only
were these students chosen based on their scholastic abilities, but also their
desire to help others must have been demonstrated with provision of services to
their communities or schools.
The 2013 recipients
of The Arc Delaware County Scholarship include: Kelsey Little, Andes; Cassandra Wubbenhorst, Charlotte Valley; Megan Brosi, Delaware
Academy; Samantha Mills,
Deposit; Bethany Bierstine, Downsville; Jacob Gray, Franklin; Kelly Newman, Hancock;
Samantha Bouton, Margaretville; Kathren Fairbairn, Roxbury; Brynn Davie, Sidney;
Courtney Soule, South Kortright; Merisa Andrades, Stamford; and Alexandra
Kilmer, Walton.
In a thank you
letter to the agency, Hancock scholarship recipient Kelly Newman who is
pursuing a degree in Special Education and English at SUNY Oneonta wrote: “Your
generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I
hope one day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you
have helped me!” For more information
about The Arc of Delaware County, including career opportunities, visit or call (607) 865-7126.
On June 14th The Arc of Delaware County recognized those who have inspired others through personal perseverance and individual growth and an individual who embodies the spirit of being a good neighbor. This Annual Membership Meeting and Achievement Awards Ceremony was attended by members, staff, special guests, Officers and Directors to celebrate these successes and to elect new Officers and Board Members for the upcoming term.
Officers and Directors were sworn in to office by Wayne Marshfield, Hamden Town Supervisor, who has been a long time Member and supporter of The Arc of Delaware County. Officers for the 2013-2014 terms are: President, Robin Evanitsky; Vice President, Ira McIntosh; Secretary, Sandra Bullis; Treasurer, Lee Marigliano. Directors for the 2013-2015 terms include: Thomas Banks, Mary Jane Giarrusso-Wilkin, Bonnie Martin, Robert Rothenberg, Nat Thomas, and James Warren. They join Lori Cetta, Gerda van Leeuwen, and Ruth Vitale, whose two year director terms expire in 2014.
Award winners received “Shining Star” trophies from Delarc and were honored with congratulatory speeches from Assemblywoman Claudia Tenny and Assemblyman Clifford Crouch’s Chief of Staff, Kathleen Moore. Certificates of Recognition were provided from both Assemblywoman Tenny and Assemblyman Crouch as well as from Senator John Bonacic.
Award winners included Carousel Children’s Services’ (CCS) McKenzie Barnes who received her Outstanding Achievement Award for exceptional progress in developmental and social skills during the 2 years she has been attending the CCS program.
The Outstanding Achievement award winners of the adult programs were chosen by a group of their peers based on personal qualities and accomplishments they observed.
The Outstanding Achievement Award winners in the adult programs include: Community Living Skills, Arkville- Gary Kain; Community Living Skills, Walton- James Jenks; Residential Services-Doris Knowles; Resources For Industry- Jean Borget; THRIVE- Warren Stelter.
Another award included the Father Eugene Willis Good Neighbor Award which celebrates people who embody the spirit of being kind and neighborly and supports the involvement of people with disabilities in their community. The recipient of this year’s award was Dave Bailey of Hamden, NY. Dave is the owner, operator of Hamden Auto Services and has shared his love of auto repair and restoration with two gentlemen, Francis and Warren, with whom he has developed genuine friendships. He has gone beyond being simply a teacher of auto repair, encouraging Francis and Warren to meet new people, explore their communities, and develop their personal interests. He shares a passion for snowmobiling with Warren and has invited him on several outings including competing together in racing events. When Warren participated in the tractor pull at the Delaware County Fair last year Dave attended to cheer Warren on.
And Dave never forgets birthdays and other important events. Francis Schulz shared, “He helps me work on cars and has taught me lots of things. He made me like a part of the garage team. On my birthday (Dave) came to RFI and had lunch with me. When I am with him I get to meet new people and be a part of the community. I consider Dave a good friend.”
To learn how you can become a part of The Arc of Delaware County as a volunteer or employee, visit our website at: To view photos of the “2013 Membership Meeting and Awards Dinner”, click to view more photos of this event .
The American Network of Community Options and Resources
(ANCOR) recently recognized Heidi Friedman of The Arc of Delaware County’s
Community Living Skills program in Arkville as the 2013 Direct Support
Professional of the Year for New York at their Annual Conference in Washington,
D.C. “We at The Arc of Delaware County are
very proud of Heidi. With this award we
celebrate her dedication, knowledge, and advocacy on behalf of people with
disabilities here in Delaware County and across the nation.” said Catherine
Tweedie, Director of Community Relations.
Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) provide a rich mosaic of
daily support services for the many Americans with disabilities. These DSPs are
integral in helping people with disabilities participate in their communities
and lead full and independent lives.
“Most Americans are not aware of the critical work DSPs do
every day and the essential role they play in the social and economic life of
communities across the country,” said Dave Toeniskoetter, president of ANCOR.
“We want to make sure DSPs like Ms. Friedman are recognized for the difficult
but inspiring work they do every day.”
“DSPs are on the front lines supporting people with
disabilities and ensuring those individuals are granted full inclusion in their
communities,” said Renee Pietrangelo, CEO of ANCOR. “It is absolutely essential
that individuals, like Heidi Friedman, are given the recognition and respect
they deserve.”
ANCOR’s Direct Support Professional Recognition Award is
given to those who personify the values of ANCOR’s National Advocacy Campaign,
which works to ensure a well-trained and sustainable direct support workforce.
Nominees are judged on the work they’ve done to build social networks,
substantive community participation and advocating for the people they serve.
The Arc of Delaware County, where Heidi is employed, is a
not for profit organization providing community based supports and services to over
300 children and adults with disabilities.
It is one of the largest employers in Delaware County with a workforce
of nearly 200. It is a Chapter of
NYSARC, Inc., and is affiliated with The Arc of the U.S., and ANCOR. For more
information about The Arc of Delaware County, visit
Read additional news about Heidi and her award as published in The Daily Star on 5/21/13 by visiting Area Life Coach Wins State Recognition
The ANCOR is a national trade association representing
more than
800 private providers of community living and employment supports and
services to more than 400,000 individuals with disabilities. As a nonprofit
organization, ANCOR successfully addresses the needs and interests of private
providers before Congress and federal agencies, continually advocating for the
crucial role private providers play in enhancing and supporting the lives of
people with disabilities and their families. Through its National Advocacy
Campaign, ANCOR seeks to obtain the resources to recruit, train and retain a
sustainable direct support workforce. ANCOR provides organization,
professional, leadership development and networking opportunities and services
and is continually working toward partnerships and collaborations that advance
our vision, mission and goals. Its prime goal is to be the indispensable
leader, resource and advocate for a diverse private disability services network
that ensures full citizenship and engaged community participation
for people with disabilities of all ages. For more information about
ANCOR, visit
For several years, SUNY Delhi and The Arc of Delaware County
(Delarc) have partnered together to develop opportunities for both students at SUNY
Delhi and people with disabilities. Friendship, learning, and experience have
been the mutual rewards of this partnership.
Olivia Nicholson, a Liberal Arts student, completed a
Service Learning Project at Delarc’s Community Living Skills facility in Walton.
And Alexandra Rogers, an Early Childhood Education student participated in an
internship at Delarc’s Carousel Children’s Services (CCS) which is located at
the SUNY Delhi Campus Child Care Center (DC4).
During her Service Learning Project, Olivia developed a
strong bond with Tina Osadca.
Olivia shared, “I have a wonderful time with Tina. I am so glad I met her, she has honestly
become someone that I care about and think of often. It wasn't just a
relationship built because of a service learning project, it was a mutual
connection between two people because I can honestly say I enjoy every moment
with Tina and it is real. We talk, we smile we laugh a lot together.” “I never
would have thought I would bond with someone so strongly, and I bonded with a
lot of people at Delarc because everyone is all so cool in their own way.”
Alexandra Rogers has been an intern at CCS since October
2012. She shared her internship goals were to learn the basics of being a
teacher in a classroom with special needs children. She also wanted to learn more about autism
and how autistic children interact with non autistic children.

She shared: “I have learned how important it is to be a
positive and happy role model. I learned how to help children get out of their
tantrum mode and also how to prevent tantrums. Being positive 100% of the time
is a big thing I learned because your mood affects a child’s mood.
Reinforcement is also a huge part of what I learned. “ “I have also learned a
lot from the autistic children in the classroom. I learned that more enclosed
chairs help to keep them calm and still. Also the use of a weighted spoon helps
the child figure out his boundaries and put pressure on the weak bones. I
learned how important it is to make them feel important. Some children came in
the classroom in the morning in a bad mood. If you show them attention and love
such as giving hugs it can really go a long way.” You can view photos of
Alexandra working with the children at CCS on our Flickr site or click here:
Kevin Allen
has been given the title of “Volunteer Assistant Coach” at Andes Central
School. Kevin loves sports and working with the children in K-1 st grades
during gym class. He independently sets up and supervises games as well as
leads the exercise class. The coach says, “Kevin is just phenomenal”. When he
arrives at school the children flock to him.
To view more photos of Kevin and his class visit our Flickr site by clicking here:
Henry Kamp and Chester Delamater (Chee Chee) have teamed
together to produce a comedy and magic act that delighted the audience at
Delarc’s Hamden, NY facility on 4/11. This is the 2nd time they have
entertained together, the first being at the Senior Meals site in Walton,
For years, Henry has loved being a comedian and delighted
audiences at several events in both in Delarc and at other venues in Delaware
County. Chester Delameter also known as
Chee Chee the Clown is a well known performer in our area and learned about
Henry and his interest in entertaining while performing at Delarc. For the 18
months Chester has shared his expertise with Henry on presentation and costume
design while Henry has become an important part of the act with his comedic repartee.
Chester said it was great working with Henry.
“He comes up with things that really work well and we enjoy bouncing
jokes back and forth to each other.”
To view more photos visit our Flickr site at:
individuals from The Arc of Delaware County have been volunteering and giving
back to their communities for many years.
Reynolds assists at the Stamford Library on a weekly basis, helping to shelve the
returned books and keep things organized and looking great! Rhonda enjoys both
the work and the close personal connections she has made at the library. She
loves baking cookies and bringing them in to share. The staff at the library ensures
that Rhonda's birthday is a special day when they celebrate it together.
Kevin Allen
has been given the title of “Volunteer Assistant Coach” at Andes Central
School. Kevin loves sports and working with the children in K-1st grades
during gym class. He independently sets up and supervises games as well as
leads the exercise class. The coach says, “Kevin is just phenomenal”. When he
arrives at school the children flock to him. Also a sports lover, Thomas
Ferrante volunteers at Margaretville Central School. The third grade and middle
school children look forward to his enthusiastic participation and assistance
in their gym program every Friday.
their love of reading Tina Cawley and Jennifer Gugliotti read to children at
South Kortright and Sidney Central Schools. Tina enjoys not only reading to the
children but assisting the teacher with activities related to the story. The
teacher had enjoyed having Tina assist in the classroom so much that she
contacted Arc staff to ensure that Tina would return to her class the following
school year. Jennifer develops an
activity for the children based on a story that the teacher has selected; she
assembles and brings all of the materials with her to class and loves helping
the children with the activity after she finishes reading the story.
In addition
to individual efforts, self advocates combine their efforts to support both
local and world communities. Each month over 20 people attend Self Advocacy
meetings to conduct a variety of activities, including planning and implementing
fund raisers. Funds raised have
benefited communities near and far, such as local flood victims and the
Wheelchair Foundation which provides wheelchairs for people in need throughout
the world.
These are
just a few examples of the many ways people are contributing their gifts of
time and talent to their communities. Volunteerism is a meaningful and
important part of the lives of individuals from The Arc of Delaware County, we
love to give and get much personal satisfaction in return!

The months
of March and April have long been nationally recognized as Developmental
Disability Awareness month and Autism Awareness month respectively, but
students in Delaware County have been working for several months on raising
their awareness in these areas thanks in part to a contest hosted by The Arc of
Delaware County (Delarc) and Delta kappa Gamma. For the past 3 years Delarc and
Delta Kappa Gama have teamed together to provide a challenge to students in the
form of a competition known as the “Everybody Can” contest. The goal is to
encourage Delaware County children in grades K-8 to learn more about developmental
disabilities utilizing a variety of resources, and then create projects that
demonstrate what they have learned. While the prize money awarded to the contest
winners is enthusiastically received, the ultimate reward is that of the heart-
as empathy, understanding, and appreciation of people with disabilities. This
contest is meant to support development of these traits at a young age which
will serve them well throughout their lives.
Everybody Can contest was open to all Delaware County Elementary and Middle
schools. Each participating school chose their top 3 winning projects which are
then submitted for consideration in a county-wide competition in three
categories: Class Projects from grades K-4, class projects from grades 5-8, and
individual and small group projects from grades 5-8.
The County Wide K-4 winner was Mrs. Feltman’s
3rd grade class from South Kortright Central School. The students wrote and
illustrated a book “Autism A-Z” based on what they learned while researching
the topic of Autism. In addition to their
cash prize, they will enjoy a special interactive presentation at their school from
The Arc of Delaware County and Delta Kappa Gamma.
The County Wide Grade 5-8 Class project was
won by Mrs.Liddle’s 6th Grade Class from South Kortright Central School for a
banner that they created “Everybody has the ability to be GREAT at something”. The banner emphasizes abilities and how
people can achieve their dreams regardless of whether they have a disability. In addition to their cash prize, Mrs.
Liddle’s class will enjoy a trip to visit The Arc of Delaware County to
participate in the “Share, Learn, Grow” mentorship program. This one-day program pairs students with
people supported by Delarc who serve as their guides and mentors throughout the
various activities of the day. One student wrote after their visit last year, “It
was a good experience working with people that do everyday things just in a
different way” And another shared, “I really had a wonderful time at Delarc. My
mentor Tina and I had a lot of fun!”
The County
Wide individual and small group category had 3 winners. First place was awarded to Faith Dianich,
Sonia Reeves, and Emily Feltman from South Kortright Central School who worked
together to write and illustrate a book about a boy who is blind and was
initially avoided at a new school, but later became admired for his abilities
and strengths. Receiving 2nd place in
this category was Demitri Jaramack from Franklin Central School for his essay
on developmental disabilities affecting both people that he knows and famous
individuals. Third place winners were
Kaitlynn Hall and Michaela Valkavich from Andes Central School for creating a
display board themed “Ability is a state of mind. It is a can do attitude!” and
a large puzzle emphasizing, “Everyone Fits In”.
To learn more about the “Share Learn Grow
Program” which is available to all Delaware County grade 5-8 classes, call 607-865-7126
ext. 139.
Don and Laurie Istook, owners of a professional race car team, wanted people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to share in the joy of racing. For a second year in a row they have invited members of The Arc to be honorary crew members and follow with them on a circuit of 9 races across the country in the Pirelli World Challenge Series. In the attached video, Laurie shared,"I want people to see our crew members with intellectual disabilities out here and realize they have so much potential if they're given the opportunity." Click on this link to read the full story, view the video, and watch the races live online. The Arc Audi Racing Program.
Jan Sturdevant used her love of animals as a springboard for
ideas to contribute to her community.
She wanted to sponsor a project that would benefit and improve the lives
of animals. After much consideration she chose the Peace Plantation Animal
Sanctuary in Walton as the focal point of her project.
The Peace Plantation does not receive financial assistance
from local, state, or federal governments and relies solely on charitable
contributions. Presently there are over
300 cats and a variety of other animals that call Peace Plantation home. And
when Jan learned that sometimes animals are never adopted but live out the rest
of their lives at the Peace Plantation she wanted to find ways to help these
Throughout the month of February Jan developed a list of
items needed, decorated, and delivered several large donation boxes with a
Valentine theme to Community Living Skills and Resources for Industry in Walton,
The Arc of Delaware County’s “THRIVE” center in Hamden, and the Delaware
Regional Center in Masonville. The
donation boxes were beautiful and caught the attention of those that passed
through these facilities. Many of the people knew Jan and about her project. They
gave generously resulting in a large cache of toys, treats, blankets, laundry
soap, paper towels, cleaning solution, bleach, kitty litter, and many other
Michael Reed, Director of Facilities at the Peace Plantation
was on hand when Jan delivered the items February 26th. With a big smile he thanked
Jan. “We really appreciate what you have done. We rely on donations such as
Each person can make a difference. As Margaret Mead said:
“Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed,
that's all who ever have.”
Congratulations to James Mould and fellow artists Wendy Stanton and Maria Brockman for their new exhibit at the Roxbury Art Center. The following article appeared in the Catskill Mountain News on February 5th:
Roxbury — Seeds, a new exhibit at the Roxbury Arts Group’s Walt Meade Gallery, explores the blossoming nature that art has on individuals and the communities in which they live. The exhibit features the artwork of three artists, Wendy Stanton and Maria Brockman of Oneonta, and James Mould of Stamford. Wendy, Maria, and James have been working with their mentors, Zena Gurbo and Nat Thomas, who are curating this exhibition which celebrates the creative and transforming power of the artistic process.
Saturday openingThe exhibit opened on Saturday, Feb. 2 and the public is invited to attend an artist reception on Saturday, Feb. 9 at 4 p.m. at the Walt Meade Gallery, located in the Roxbury Arts Center at 5025 Vega Mountain Road.
Wendy Stanton is a founding member of The Center for Self Expression/Main View Gallery & Studio in Oneonta, which is a program of the Arc Otsego. An avid lover of nature, Wendy enjoys combining the natural world and the super natural in her art. She works swiftly and with great confidence, barely stopping to look at what she has done before she is off onto the next project.
Maria Brockmann has been involved with The Center for Self Expression/Main View Gallery & Studio for three years. She had little previous instruction but possesses strong innate talents and love of drawing and painting. Within months she absorbed and learned everything Artists Instructors and staff had to offer. She continues to be inspired by other artists and creates work that incorporates new and old skills, often using nature as her diving board into a world governed by beauty and detail.
Stamford artistJames Mould, also a lover of nature, discovered his artistic talent three years ago when he retired from farm work and moved to Stamford. He was soon recognized for his artistic talent in the pen doodles he would make on his note papers. Since this time, James has created a series of tree drawings that are both of this world and not. James finds he is inspired by nature and finds his artwork not only continues provide him with endless satisfaction but has connected him with others in a way he had not experience before.
All three artists, as well as exhibit curators, Nat Thomas and Zena Gurbo, will be in attendance at the artist reception.
The exhibit runs through April 13 and the Walt Meade Gallery is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information about this event, please contact the Roxbury Arts Group at 607 326-7908.