Wednesday, December 28, 2016

NYSARC Trust Services Grants Benefit Many

The Arc of Delaware County was delighted to receive two grants from NYSARC’s Trust Remainder Funds for the purpose of supporting guardianship services and to provide recreation opportunities for people they support.   

With the receipt of $12,500 in recreation grant funds, individuals from The Arc of Delaware County have been able to enjoy an array of person centered recreational activities they may not otherwise have had an opportunity to enjoy this year.  For instance, Gary Grossman recently traveled to Florida to visit his parents, Henry and Kay, whom he hadn’t seen in a year.  Gary talks with his family regularly on the phone and keeps in contact through social media, but this personal visit was a rare treat.  This trip was made even more special with a day spent at Universal Studios with friend and traveling companion, Sean Henry.  Gary has vacationed in the past with a well known travel company that provides guided tours and personal assistance, however, with the availability of the recreation grant funds Gary was able to plan his own personalized trip and bring a travel companion whom he has known for years and enjoys spending time with.  In addition to spending time with his family, some of Gary’s favorite memories from his Florida vacation were having lunch at the Hard Rock Café, talking with the Disney characters, and meeting people from all over the world, such as California and Mexico.

The funds received for guardianship services will assist with ongoing expenses of operating the Guardianship program and for life enhancing activities for people receiving guardianship services.  As the Guardianship Committee often fills the void of family, guardianship funds are often used to provide for birthdays, holidays, vacations and special events.  The Arc of Delaware County’s Guardianship Committee, comprised of dedicated members from the community, currently provides guardianship services to two people for whom NYSARC, Inc. serves as Legal Guardian.   The committee ensures all decisions made are in the best interest of the individual and are in harmony with the individual’s personal values and preferences, just as a concerned family member would do.

A total of $2,795,500 in remainder grants was awarded in 2016 to support recreation and guardianship to NYSARC Chapters statewide.  NYSARC Trust Services administers supplemental needs trusts that enable people with disabilities to remain in their home and community while retaining Medicaid services and other government benefits.  Information is available on how NYSARC Trust Services may benefit you at  To learn more about Services available through The Arc of Delaware County, click on the services link at or call (607)865-7126.