August 10th, The Arc of Delaware County's Board of Directors received a Blesher
Award. Molly Little, CEO nominated the entire board for "Selfless dedication
of time and talents while serving on the board." Through their hard work,
support, and dedication they help to assure people with disabilities live
personally fulfilling lives.
Congratulations and thank you to each board member for helping The
Arc of Delaware County fulfill its Unifying Principals: Those we serve come
first, commit to excellence, be dedicated, employee satisfaction, communicate
effectively, and be innovative.
Front Row L to R: Gerda van Leeuwen, Bonnie Martin, James Warren, Blesher Lil
Heart, Johna Peachin, Kathleen Green, Ira McIntosh, Vice President.
Row L to R: Amy Beveridge, Lori Cetta, Nat Thomas, Treasurer, Robert
Rothenberg, Robin Evanitsky, President, and Thomas Banks
present were Directors: Mary Jane Giarrusso- Wilkin and Sandra Bullis,