Myles Magnan recipient of Carousel Children's Services Outstanding Achievement Award |
An evening filled with stars occurred on July 8th
when The Arc of Delaware County held its Annual Membership meeting and Awards Ceremony at SUNY Delhi’s campus. This event which was sponsored by Relph Benefit Advisors serves as a keystone celebration recognizing the outstanding achievements of individuals in each of The Arc’s programs, as well as honoring community members and volunteers who have enhanced opportunities for people with disabilities, provided dedicated service, and embodied the spirit of being kind and neighborly.
This year’s award winners received "Shining Star" trophies from The Arc of Delaware County and Certificates of Recognition from Senator John Bonacic, Senator James Seward, Assemblyman Clifford Crouch, and Congressman Chris Gibson. Dignitaries attending the event included Joe Angelino who presented Certificates of Merit from Assemblyman Clifford Crouch, and Wayne Marshfield, Town of Hamden Supervisor.
George Suess Outstanding Achievement Awards were presented to individuals who have been an inspiration to others through their personal perseverance, and individual growth. Award winners included Myles Magnan (Carousel Children’s Services), Dolores Hirschel (Community Living Skills-Arkville, Fred Hammond (Residential Services), David Barnhart (Resources for Industry), Edson Jones (THRIVE) and Donald Sedor (Community Living Skills-Walton).
Community recognition awards were presented to three individuals: Kalii Tas, Fred Doyle, and Dave DeForest.
Receiving the Father Eugene Willis Good Neighbor Award was Fred Doyle. This award is given to those who actively support involvement of individuals with disabilities in their community. The tremendous personal growth of an individual was directly attributed to the kind and caring relationship that Fred nurtured as they worked together volunteering at The First Presbyterian Church of Stamford.
The Partner of the Year Award was presented to Dave DeForest, Assistant Professor of Applied Sciences at SUNY Delhi. Steve Finkel from The Arc shared, "Dave has championed a diverse list of learning opportunities for people with disabilities including, kayaking, gardening, survival training, snowshoeing, skiing and many more activities. Both SUNY students and Arc participants have learned a lot about each other in the process".
The Luella Rogers Exemplary Volunteer Award was presented to Kalii Tass of Fishes Eddy, NY. Kalii has been volunteering for over 10 years at Community Living Skills-Walton (CLS-W). Hilary Miller, Program Director at CLS-W shared that Kalii "is an essential piece to the success of people at program. It is clear that she has long standing relationships with people shown through her interactions of compassion and friendship…She unhesitatingly steps in wherever and whenever needed."
During the Membership meeting Officers and Directors were sworn into office by Wayne Marshfield, Hamden Town Supervisor, and Jennifer Guigliotti. Serving for the 2016-2017 term are President, Robin Evanitsky, Vice President, Ira McIntosh, Secretary, Sandra Bullis, and Treasurer, Nat Thomas. The Directors for the 2016 – 2018 term include: Sandra Bullis, Lori Cetta, Robin Evanitsky, Kathleen Green, Ira McIntosh, Johna Peachin, and Greda van Leeuwen. Serving on the Nominating Committee for the 2016-2017 term are: Lori Cetta, Robert Rothenberg, Nat Thomas, and Gerda van Leeuwen.
Kalii Tass recipient of the Luella Rogers Exemplary Volunteer Award |
It was fitting and that the community fireworks which had been delayed due to weather the previous week lit up the sky as The Annual Dinner was ending. What a night to remember!
To view photos of this event visit our Flickr site: