A free Open House set for Thursday, December 8th at Walton’s Resources for Industry (RFI) welcomes two groups of singers presenting their original music and lyrics to the community for the first time. OUR SONG’s creator, Elly Wininger—a Lake Hill, NY resident—is an award winning lyricist and guitarist. She leads the two groups, one from RFI and the other from Community Living Skills (CLS), also in Walton. Elly said that “OUR SONG‘s premise is actually simple: people interested in music gather as a team to create a theme, write their own lyrics, create the melody behind the words and then sing at a performance.”
The presentation of the two group’s songs is happening at a free community Open House set for Thursday, December 8th , starting at 1:00pm at RFI’s center on Route 206/190 Prospect Avenue in Walton. Wininger added that “the key to creating their songs was first learning to work as a team and add in some good old fashioned brain- storming for ideas and possible contemporary themes. In fact, the group from RFI all felt that the terrible storms of late August/early September that devastated many towns and villages in Delaware County was a story that needed to be told.”
In addition to the two groups from RFI and CLS, word of the OUR SONG program spread to some members of Delhi’s First Presbyterian Church Choir, four of whom are joining as singers with both groups on the 8th. One of them, Bea Mooney of Treadwell, said that “the opportunity was one that we wanted to be part of---when we heard about OUR SONG, we called and volunteered to help.”
Doug Anderson, RFI’s Program Director, said “We hope that the community will join us on the 8th for a free afternoon of great music, plus we have a couple of surprises in store for guests after the premier of the OUR SONG presentations, including stand-up comedy by Deposit’s Henry Kamp, and some special magic from Franklin’s Gavin Soccorso, a recently returned Marine Special Forces Lance Corporal, who served in Bosnia, Burma and South America. We will also be displaying a wide range of original artistic projects, from paintings to photographs and jewelry, some for sale. Light refreshments will be served at the end of the program.”
“Guests are also encouraged to bring donations for the Walton Food Bank, so desperately in need of food following the storms,” added Anderson. “Every can or box will help,” he added.
OUR SONG is funded in part by a grant from the New York Council on the Arts’ Decentralization Program, administered in Delaware County by The Roxbury Arts Group.
Anyone with questions can contact: Steve Finkel at 607-865-7126 or email to: s.finkel@delarc.org .